Glostars is a photo sharing platform for photographers. It allows photographers to share their photos and participate in photo contests. It also allows photographers to sell their photos.

- Photography
- Social Media
- Photo Contest
Glostars is a photo sharing platform for photographers. It allows photographers to share their photos and participate in photo contests. It also allows photographers to sell their photos.
This project was developed using React, Redux, React Router, Material UI and Dropzone. It was developed for Expli Oy, a company based in Finland. I worked on this project for 20 months as a part time developer.
In this project I created it from scratch. I created the UI design and developed the frontend. Their backend was developed by another developer. I used React, Redux, React Router, Material UI and Dropzone to develop the frontend. I used React Hooks to manage the state of the application. I used Redux to manage the global state of the application. I used React Router to manage the routing of the application. I used Material UI to style the application. I used Dropzone to upload files to the server.
Key Notes: When I developed the project I faced several problem like edit the photo before upload, showing the progress of the upload, uploading multiple files at once, etc. I solved all the problems and delivered the project on time. I created a custom gallery component to show the photos, both of these are most challenging part of the project.