MedcisBD App

MedicsBD is a medical app that helps you to find the best doctors and book appointments. It also helps you to find the best hospitals and clinics nearby.

MedcisBD App
  • Telemedicine
  • Appointment
  • Booking
  • Doctor

MedicsBD is a medical app that helps you to find the best doctors and book appointments. It also helps you to find the best hospitals and clinics nearby. This is a full-stack project. I have developed the backend using Laravel and the frontend using React and Blade. I have also used for real-time communication. In this application I have used Jitsi Meet for video conferencing. It was a great experience to do this project.

In this project I have used a lot of development and deployment tools to make the development and deployment process easier. I have used docker for the development environment. I have used Digital Ocean for the deployment and server. I have used Redis for the job queue, Nginx for the web server, PM2 for the process manager, Github Actions for the CI/CD, Git for the version control and many more.


SocketMySQLAWSDockerJitsiBootstrapJob-QueueRedisNginxPM2SMS APIPayment GatewayGitGithub ActionsCI/CD


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